Voice Overs ordered through VoiceOversNowcom are considered royalty free. VoiceOversNow.com will make every attempt possible to ensure your voice recording is delivered in a timely manner but does not guarantee turn-around times or requested deadlines.
All rates are based on the word count of your script, In the event an order is past the allotted amount of words the client will be responsible to pay the additional balance or trim the script down to fit in the requested duration.
Re-read Requests
VoiceOversNow.com offers up to 3Â re-reads without a script change for orders ranging from 5 seconds to 2 minutes.
For orders 2 minutes the client will be given a small sample read of the script to approve. Once approved the talent will then voice the script based on the clients approved sample. Re-read will only be allowed on orders over 2 minutes in the event the talent does not match the approved sample read.
In the event a script is modified even one word the spot will be considered a new order.
Re-read requests are valid for up to 30 days from when the order is placed. Requests made after 30 days will result in a new order.
Turnaround Times
Voice Talent Turnaround times are estimated turnaround times. Turnaround times are not a guarantee your order will be completed within the talents estimated turn around. VoiceOversNow.com will make every attempt possible to accommodate your order is its requested deadline inside of the talents specified turnaround times.
A missed deadline is NOT grounds for a refund.
Refund Policy
VoiceOversNow.com will make every attempt to make sure you are happy with your order and it is done correctly. Script changes or direction changes after a script is voiced are not valid for refunds.
Refunds are available for any of the following:
Royalty Free
All orders are considered Royalty Free or Buy-Out rates. Once a client purchases a voice over there are no restrictions or limitations in how the recording is used.